Rereading the quote. He says "in particular is similar to Woke Capital in its fundamentalism. The main difference is that maximalism is a zealous mononumism"
Mononumism is a new word to me. But he's comparing apples and oranges. "Woke Capital" is an investment based on ideological grounds. The commonality between the two is belief. Not what the two groups believe.
Is his point that maximalists are ideological? I mean... OK. So what? Does anyone think that when bitcoin expands to broader adoption maximalists will be in the majority? I guess I really don't get the point of all this.
Honestly, this quote sounds like someone trying to sound smarter than they are. Granted, this person is probably much smarter than myself. I don't think maximalists are people that have something wrong with them. They simply believe that bitcoin is the best. That it was something that can't really be copied. That there is no second best. That it will eat all the competition. That all the shitcoins are scams. I share this view. Maybe that makes me a maximalist. Ok. So what. My belief will not change reality. The fact that I hold this view will not change bitcoin. It will not stop Eth. I'm either right, or wrong.