You have to pay federal income tax, state income tax, sales tax, capital gains tax, property tax, social security tax, inflation tax, etc. You're barely left with anything. Imagine how wealthy you'd be if you kept all the fruits of your labor. Realizing your true worth would blow you away. Your self esteem would increase. You'd be healthier, happier. And so would everyone around you.
Many people are living paycheck to paycheck, not knowing their full worth because it's being sucked out of them by government parasites. We are worth so much more than what today's society wants us to believe. We're just accepting to give our wealth away. Since governments don't create any value, they need to suck out the value created by the individual. Wealthy, independent and happy individuals are enemies of current governments, because they can't be easily controlled. Taxes supposedly help the economy, but they also keep the individual in check. You may have all the qualities needed to succeed in an honest society, but you could easily be on the edge of bankruptcy in todays Cantillon society.
Imagine a society that's not based on the threat of violence, but on everyone thriving, being more honest, more generous and helping each other. Maybe I'm talking nonsense, but shifting the power from corrupt governments back to honest individuals seems like a reasonable idea to me.
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👏👏👏 Excellent write up. Thank you for sharing!