They say true inflation is not measured by the Consumer Price Index. But the increase of the money supply.
Reading Mises and flund that definition. Also Micheal Saylor uses that definition. He says the money supply of USA has been growing 7% on average during the past 100 years.
Now I have been looking at this site to see how the money supply grows in all countries of the world.
Take a look at the link.
You can order the countries for the past 12 months and also for the past 3 months.
And you can click on a county to see how that country is doing. Just look at the graphs.
Now you see that if you take the 7% a year and wants to see allthe countries where the money prints at higher than 7% per year or for the past 12 months, it is a bunch of countries where you will get skrewed!
So many countries.
The USA is negative. Looks like the money has been decreasing lately. Need to dive deeper in that.
But I know USA during Covid has increased their money supply by 40%.
So that is the true inflation.
Your money is not safe. Your currency is not safe. Your fiat paper currency is not safe. Your cbdc currency is not safe.
Bitcoin’s rate of increase is coded in stone. 21 million.
Don’t trust governments and central banks with your life’s energy.