There is something interesting that I learned a few years ago about the cold war that is kind of a parallel to this post.
It is common these days for "conservatives" to call their opposition communists. Its a bit hyperbolic because if the democrats truly are communists then the conservatives are just a different flavor of communist. Anyway, you hear these conservatives talk about how communism is evil. It is evil but they rarely dive into why it doesn't work. It became clear to me that most conservatives have no clue why communism fails.
I won't go into a ton of detail but the short answer is the knowledge problem. A more free market will always beat a more centralized system. This is the real reason the U.S.S.R. failed. I've read and watched a few documentaries (clearly that makes me an expert ;)) where you see the absurdity of the central planners of the Soviet system. Its absurd how they would "calculate" how many shoes the nation needed. Or how much a car should cost. The reality is that no small group of people can do this. It takes a free market with incentives. Its obvious.
But, conservatives at least the ones that were in charge during the cold war didn't seem to get this. The U.S.S.R. was dead long before it fell. I don't believe these Republicans really believed that though. If they had they would not have enacted so much central management in the U.S. system. It becomes more clear when you learn that some of the most prominent influencers in the modern conservative movement where "former" communists. You see, what they really understood was power. They just wanted power.
Many bitcoiners say they understand bitcoin but they don't. You can see it in their emotions and actions. What they understand is getting rich. Word are cheap. Actions are where you see the truth. I can tell you anything but what I do is what matters. Proof of work.