One reason bitcoin is so amazing is that we can, for the first time in history, simply say NO to wannabe tyrants like Warren. Before we were forced to fight rigged political battles with such people, so some people still think this is what we need to do. Bitcoin Is the fight. We just need to hodl in self-custody when we want to save, and transact peer-to-peer when we want to spend, and most importantly, be patient.
"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."
--Sun Tzu
There's a lot of wisdom in Sun Tzu...
I agree with you to a point. Even before bitcoin in my view actions were where it was at. Many examples. Prohibition, home schooling, and especially the right to protect yourself. The refusal to comply is where the power is. If enough people just ignore the state it will fall. No state can stand against the population that values its rights.
The mistake we make is believing the propaganda that the state and politics bring about the change. Politics in the result. Its the tailing indicator of public will and/or opinion. Culture is more important and action even more important. Actual power is what counts. Wealth and agency. The ability to defend oneself. The ability to provide for yourself(or collectively as a group). The ability to support yourself financially. All of these things are where the state has control of most people. Even so called freedom lovers.
For most conservatives freedom is just a fetish. They don't really want it let alone believe in it. Many libertarians are not much better. As long as they can do their handful of activities they are content. It is my belief that the we (the masses) are the problem. We could have much more freedom if we simply worked towards it now. Instead we either depend on politicians to give it to us or wait for it to magically happen.
  • Plant a garden
  • Use bitcoin
  • Provide for you personal protection.
  • Build community
  • Ignore the state
If a mass of people would do these simple things the world would dramatically change.
The truth is most people depend on the state in more ways than they care to admit. Where we are going we don't need a state.