The purpose of the tutorial is to get one hands dirty. If you only run docker-compose up what is the point of a practical tutorial? Also in that specific case you dont need docker compose because you are dealing with a single container.
i also like to have an .env file that docker-compose.yml can read from to define ports, upload directories and anything else that is configurable. Not sure why you're opposed to docker-compsoe.
I am not opposed to it! I am just saying that I dont see the point for a simple hands on tutorial.
i gotcha. yeah i guess that makes sense. i just saw all the work i had to do and said "nevermind" because there was no docker-compose.
My purpose was to bang people heads against an atomic node deployment. Docker compose is way overkill for my purpose...why dont use kubernetes then :P
yeah i gotcha. i guess i didn't want to run those commands on my server because I'd have no idea how to back them out.
i like to run multiple nodes