With Ohtani coming off the board I expected a flurry of transactions this week but the week has started very slowly without even whispers of a flurry.
I expect Bellinger will be the next domino to fall. There are a number of teams in on him and besides some potential big name trade candidates, due to the regional tv deal debacles with some teams, he is likely the most prized piece on the market.
We all know the big FAs will find homes in the next few weeks but I am more interested to see how the trade market shapes up. The trade I want to see is the Blue Jays finally prying Jose Ramirez away from Cleveland. They have been interested in him for years and tried to trade and sign him in the past. He has a no trade clause but Cleveland might need to move that contract and he might be inclined to cooperate now that Francona has retired and it looking like they will cut payroll.
Who is your ideal trade target for your team? or who do you think will get traded this offseason that we aren't expecting to be on the market? If the hot stove isn't hot that doesn't mean SN can't be.
Shill away.
Sats for all, GR
I would like to see the Mets not suck
Not sure what they are doing. Are they trying to add? Planning to retool?
Not really sure at this point but Ronny Mauricio tore his ACL so the Mets are off to a great start
Just saw that news. Tough one.
Ohtani s contract has him receiving 2 million a year for 10 years with 680 million of the contract being paid after 2034….
What an unmitigated disaster.
I know one thing…. He won’t be getting 15k btc in 2034 for his 680 million
Yeah I saw that earlier. Crazy. He better hope there isn't hyperinflation.
Imagine if he gets orange pilled over the next 10 years and he has to sit and watch the price soar while all of his earnings are deferred. Pain
He is going to make a fortune on sponsorships. Probably why he didn't mind deferring the contract so much.
A couple of thoughts...
  1. I don't follow the trade rumors much at all, I just love baseball. So...
  2. My gripe is with the changes that are being made: larger bases, pick off throw over limits, the extra inning runner in second rule, and the damnation perversion that is the designated hitter.
  3. I guess I'm a hypocrite, bit I actually like the pitch clock. The stepping out of the batters box was getting ridiculous.
  4. Mostly, I like seeing baseball talk on bitcoin sites!
I also like the pitch clock. Not sure how much value the other rule changes added. I would like them to change the mound visit rule. Only the catcher should be able to come out. If coach or manager comes out it is to take out the pitcher. Batter doesn't get a plate visit from his hitting coach.