Instead of valuing goods and services in BTC through using the USD price (price ≠ value), which uses the exchange rate, we should value (and so forth price) Bitcoin prices in energy (Joules).
You can scientifically calculate the amount of energy (in labour) used to create the good, then use the average energy in joules used to develop a satoshi to calculate the value. [...] For context, a medium apple contains about 395 kJ, or the value equivalent of 59 sats.
Even with your caveat of "price ≠ value" this is arbitrary. Your approaching the whole economy from a very Bitcoin perspective - while any economy is intrinsically a chaotic system and more complicated.
Example: A product can be complicated to produce and expensive with little energy use, another product can be energy intensive to produce but cheap to buy.
It would include the energy spent designing the manufacturing process and would go back decently far. Difficult to measure however.