Dont let the price point of a whole Bitcoin dishearten you or discourage you from marching forward and doing whatever it takes to get to your stacking goals. Making money teaches discipline so btc can be a difficult teacher but the effort is worth it. And even when the odds arent in your favour there may be a way you havent discovered yet to attain/ climb that financial totem pole. Of course its hard the transfer of the power Bitcoin has should never belong to the weak and faint of heart. The man with humility and consideration needs to wrap his hand around this glorious tool of peace and use it to right the many wrongs of this world.
For the longest time i ignored it. There are fields. Endless fields where money is no longer earned. Its printed.
Of course noone can be told what Bitcoin is. You have to see it for yourself.
noone can be told what Bitcoin is. You have to see it for yourself.
Well said! "You have to see it for yourself..."