Pure, White and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us And What We Can Do To Stop It
Originally published in 1971, then an updated edition was done around 1982.
Very interesting book. In addition to the details of the history of sugar, and the evidence for sugar having many negative effects, there's lots of up-close and personal details of how the sugar industry, after WWII, doubled down on the pro-sugar propaganda war, which involved demonizing anyone talking about the negatives of sugar. The author (John Yudkin) was one of the main targets of this propaganda war.
It seems like the sugar industry did much better than the tobacco industry. The sugar industry has been very successful in keeping the spotlight off sugar, and on fats, especially saturated fats.
If you want a more recent anti-sugar book, I'm also working my way through Gary Taube's The Case Against Sugar. Also an excellent book.
If you're interested in learning more about nutrition, I would recommend first reading The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz. It's an amazing book, and turned my nutritional ideas upside down. Formerly I ate some meat and animal products, but believed in limiting them, and also believed strongly in whole grains, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and plant "superfoods". Not any more. I'm not carnivore yet, but may be soon.