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Showing the consumer-readiness of the Bitcoin payments technology and that the financial inclusion and money innovation with #Bitcoin is unstoppable.
Every day more and more merchants in the city and in rural areas of El Salvador 🇸🇻 are implementing contactless e-payments with #bitcoin in places such as La Pirraya Island, El Zonte Bitcoin Beach, Berlin SV, San Salvador, and more to come. If you visit these places make sure you bring your BoltCards with you to experience the Bitcoin revolution, if don’t have yet, no worries you can buy them there.
Big shout out to those bitcoiners who push the Adoption forward, by stacking, spending and using #Bitcoin as money, supporting local merchants and promoting the usage and adoption of bitcoin as medium of exchange.
Highlighted on the video @maiojose1 and @realSandySV two salvadoran Bitcoin maximalists, also the video is showcasing bitcoin technology made in #ElSalvador such tiankii #pos and tiankii #cards developed by tiankiiapp