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The biggest benefit I get is to learn in the Bitcoin space. Stackers challenge my viewpoints and help me fall deeper into the rabbit hole. I’d like to see us better challenge Bitcoin misconceptions so that we can teach others! As always thanks for helping me along my journey.
  1. Knowledge and understanding
  2. Community
  3. Uncompromising honesty via @DarthCoin
I didn't came to SN to "get out a benefit". I came here to share my knowledge and wisdom accumulated for years. I am here to teach noobs and show them the truth path. I am here to slap those shitcoiners that still don't want to walk the truth path. Somebody have to do that.
It is in giving that we receive, thanks! Tis the season.
I won. I always won all these lightsaber fights... Did you notice it?
lol yes you always win and teach us the winning ways!
I learn things here.
People here have different perspectives and I think the sats set bar of standards for the content, as well as being fun exchange rewards for content.