You can sign transactions with Sparrow and Green Wallet. With Green Wallet it's not common sense and it took me some time to figure it out but it's possible.
Just don't update your ledger if it signs..
That being said you might consider that the original produced seed may be compromised.
All Bitcoin already exists, it just hasn't been mined yet and the stuff locked away hasn't been unlocked, yet. If it unlocks too easy it will loose value and if it unlocks too difficultly it will not be suitable for spending.
All your Ledger are belong to us.
Oh yeah, I'm not using the seed produced by the ledgers for anything. I consider them compromised for sure.
You lost me here, what does this mean.
All Bitcoin already exists, it just hasn't been mined yet and the stuff locked away hasn't been unlocked, yet. If it unlocks too easy it will loose value and if it unlocks too difficultly it will not be suitable for spending.
Oh, are you just explaining how bitcoin works here?
I'm no expert but any stretch of the imagination. I'm just a pleb.
The last comment just didn't make sense to me in the context of the question. I get what you are saying.
This comes from my earliest understanding of FOSS Free Open Source Software and in particular Linux. You can totally make your own Kernel but it might not work with anything else. You can make this and that might happen. As a business if you think you are smarter than your customers you are stupid and if you assume all business has 100% your interests in mind you are stupid.
Bitcoin is the best money but it's got to evolve constantly by users, security and usefulness. Mathematically we've identified it as Bitcoin but what it is has always been here and just needed to be discovered.
Once the rug-pull has been identified then your security is obscurity and not really security at all. Everyone does stupid things. Everyone unhappy does even more.