well, your attitude sucks... and getting people to pick sides out of anger or resentment is what I would like to avoid.
Samourai has given me bad mojo from the outset. There's no reason to believe that they or Wasabi were ever anything other than spooks interested in scraping a bit of coin & covering up their own tracks. (I'm sure I don't need to remind you that Tor is an example of the power-hungry needing traffic-cover and making their utility public, under the guise of 'protecting freedom')
  1. trivial
if they're so trivial, then why pay Samo's SCODE for the convenience? must be nice to be able to burn BTC that you picked up at a centralized exchange. OFAC (or whomever) will do OFAC and chase you out of legitimate marketplaces with your tainted UTXOs... forward secrecy doesn't do much for you if you have centralized miners coerced into refusing to include your trivially identified postmix.
you could even build joins between your friends and save a lot. you'd probably learn a lot, too. (as would I, if I took that path).
your hobby of stashing joined coins in fear of the state is cute, much like my own, but the vast majority of users who pick up coins will do so in the future, with the implicit or explicit permission of whatever governance authority they live inside of.. it's sad, but true.
if samo disappears, it would be a bummer.. but I'd much rather see pleb miners with the ability to see where their hash is going.
  1. where one dude makes god commits daily, breaking critical aspects of #Bitcoin?
it's not your network. the only commits that could break it are the ones that would cause a chain fork... which is the beauty of the protocol.
  1. compromise Core
some of us think core is a compromise until we have significantly more devs invested in working with the protocol.
(( a note to @broadmode : I had to delete that other comment because I confused your nymm with Lowry's, my bad)
0 sats.
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