Oddly I hadn't considered it as a business venture or even the down payment as an investment. Which I can certainly see that perspective. The angle I had come from was, this is a space people want I've headed up that community the last couple months, if not me then who? So I just made it me. Perhaps I need to change my perspective and shift to a investment/business outlook rather than a gift to a group of people who asked for one.
That's my opinion. The minute you plunked down those sats it became a business. I think it's a worthwhile endeavor and the risk is justified. For me, I can't build through coding. This is how I can work in bitcoin. I want more than anything to foster adoption. That's why I'm willing to wait a while to bring in newbies who don't show up here to learn about UTXO's, but want to talk about music, sports, or cats. Bitcoin will be the money upon which the communities are based.
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