My grandma once told me "share your talents with the world".
I am tired of the selfish feedback loop of working for fiat to generate value for the few. I'm totally sold on decentralized technologies. It brings me hope that we can escape the corruptible centralized mess that humanity is perpetuating.
I've been a software engineer professionally for several years now, but I have yet to contribute to any FOSS. My strengths are in applications/ front-end work, but I'm a pretty ok generalist. Have experience in android and windows.
So what projects would you recommend contributing to for a first timer? do I start with this?
we're always looking for people to knock out bugs at
find a small project to contribute to.
reply has some good resources for questions like this also attending a bitdevs near you is a great place to start as well, the highest value would be to attend a devconf like bitcoin++ or tabconf, thats where you will meet a ton of great people