I am a registered nurse currently working in dialysis. Typically when patients are experiencing newly decreasing kidney function, often (but not always) the advice given is to reduce protein intake because "protein hurts your kidneys". As some may expect, this never works and the patient still ends up on dialysis if they follow that advice.
Today makes the third person I've talked to that completely reversed their kidney disease doing a carnivore diet. This one heard of carnivore from me through a friend who is a manager at another facility. For those who may not know, the carnivore diet is a complete animal diet and is very high in protein with effectively zero carbohydrates. Literally the opposite of what most other patients are told.
For reference, this patient's GFR, which is a measure of kidney function, started at 7. Most dialysis patients are below 10 and aren't eligible to potentially get off dialysis until ~15. Normal is >60, but is often much higher. I don't have a timeline for how established he was with a GFR <10, but we're working on getting that.
This guy started PD 7 days/week.
Then 3 days/week.
Then 1 day/week.
Then 1 day every 2 weeks.
Now he's off dialysis and his GFR is 25. He's been doing it less than 6 months. The other two I know of that reversed their kidney disease weren't on dialysis yet. One reversed in 6 months, the other in 1 year. A popular keto/carnivore doctor, Dr Ken Berry, often sees a 1-stage reversal while recommending keto diets to these patients.
Not saying that will be everyone's experience, but it's obviously big.
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👏👏👏 AMAZING. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Great timing too; I was grinding testimonial videos this morning and came across one you may want to save and share around, for anyone it may help:
Im glad to hear he got better. He stopped consuming whatever was damaging his kidneys, which is why carnivore is considered an elimination diet and in general is not sustainable for optimal health.
He stopped consuming whatever was damaging his kidneys
His kidney failure had nothing to do with what he was eating.
carnivore is considered an elimination diet and not sustainable for optimal health
Many have done it for decades with optimal health.
His kidney failure had nothing to do with what he was eating.
Then why make this thread
Many have done it for decades with optimal health.
What is optimal health? How do they know theirs is?