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I just wanted to help... I am always posting on BTC apps githubs feature requests, bugs, improvements... I just want to help these developers, testing their apps and make them better.
I also write guides and documentation for some apps, and do translations in 4 languages. All for free. Only together we can go forward.
Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said "bullied", I just got that vibe from Nicolas’ tweet:
"Sometimes your users yell loud enough they just inherit the name of the commit" —https://twitter.com/nicolasburtey/status/1733202169191424269
157 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Dec 2023
never say sorry to @DarthCoin, he wouldn't either, lol :)
Nooo, not at all,. My intention wasn't to bully them but to make them aware of REAL users requests.
Blink / Galoy team are the good guys so we have to respect them.
lol, I'd refer to it more as shaming @Murch and it's very welcome, when warranted 😄
We had a good laugh at the rant, and not only that, when I commented "I'll create a github issue for it" Darth called us out b/c he had already submit a github issue (much respect for that)
AND it was a request that was also driving me and @andrejstacks crazy.
I just wanted to be heard... It was really annoying for me to have to switch to sats when I wanted to send to a salvadoran (I mostly used Blink to send sats to salvadorans) a bunch of sats and not USD.
many times I put like 50k and was actually 50k USD and I got the error that I do not have such amount of sats!
The UI was really confusing, at least for me, as a bitcoin only user.
221 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 9 Dec 2023
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you are really insufferable sometimes :)
I really like when people find me an asshole... Because in that moment I know I was telling the truth LOL Is like self control
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So.... no memes?
sorry, too drunk at this hour to be able to make new memes. Anyways, Galoy team are the good guys. Nothing so wrong with them to deserve a "darth meme"
Just kidding. Good work, as usual!
Only together we can go forward.
this. but sometimes, together we forget where we wanted to go in the first place, lol :)
This is the way
Its all fun and games until @DarthCoin appears..
This is the way🤪
ahahaha please bully Blink more!
The hero we need.
the power of DarthCoin
Learn how to attach Blink to SN #705629
So indirectly, this makes him a bully :)
Awesome! Way to show them the way!