The dreams of many were dashed yesterday. @grayruby may have been the only one who was technically eliminated, but Milwaukee's loss left all but one of us with no options for the championship game.
All @POTUS need do in order to secure a victory is make the only remaining pick that anyone has: Indiana. The rest of us will lose by virtue of forfeit, so it doesn't matter whether Indiana wins or loses.
This day may seem bleak, but take heart in the knowledge that we few alone bested the founder of this Stacker Sports Territory.
Victory Pot 23,020 sats and still growing!
I’ll take Indiana!
Like a dagger through the heart
Congratulations on a well picked campaign!
27.1k sats \ 1 reply \ @POTUS 8 Dec 2023
Let’s go! Thanks
Victory Pot! 27,139 sats
I was waiting on the daily rewards, just in case that led to a bigger pot...and it did.
Congratulations on winning the pool @POTUS! I guess my consolation prize is that I can say I fell at the hands of the champ on a one on one death match.
Appreciate it! A good ole fight to the death!
Thank you @Undisciplined for running this! I really enjoy participating
Thanks for participating. I had a blast with this competition. I'll start thinking about something for the NBA playoffs.
My grave mistake was not trusting the Pacers. Reggie Miller would be ashamed of me.
My grave mistake was not realizing how badly LeBron wants that first MVP trophy.
I know you didn't watch the Pacers game, but Haliburton is the real deal. That kid is going to be the next mega star in the league. Had it come down to a tiebreaker between us, I was seriously considering picking Haliburton over LeBron for MVP.
Pacers are so fun to watch. That backcourt is amazing.
I need your expert analysis. What the heck is going on with the Magic? I know they lost a couple in a row, so maybe they are cooling off, but I did not see them anywhere near the top of the East.
I haven't watched them enough to be sure, but I think they're well constructed for the regular season. They have a young athletic team full of skilled bigs and most teams have trouble matching up against them.