so you're predicting that something is going to happen? :)
you just don't want to put your sats where your mouth is because then it would be gambling? :)
I don't have to play games. When I put something like "remindme" I am certain that will happen.
remember? I came from the future...
remember? I came from the future...
actually, i don't remember. did Darth came from the future?
I came from the future and I did this press conference to tell them just one thing:
Ohhh, now I get it I think, lol
Star Wars is playing in the future and thus we're here in the past and since you came from the Star Wars universe, you came from the future :)
I thought he came from a long time ago, but maybe I'm mistaken.
you made me think again about this and I think @DarthCoin was hinting at this
yes, you don't have to play games, but maybe don't call it gambling if you're predicting stuff yourself :)
edit: okay, wait, maybe i am getting confused now myself haha
am I not allowed to say something like that? I can say or predict whatever I want, why should I be forced to play those games?
you're not forced, i am just referring to this
To predict what? That the people are dumb? I will never use my sats for gambling.
if you have good reasons for a prediction (like you may have with yours here), putting sats on it does not make it suddenly a gamble.
again, not saying you should put sats on it. just saying you should maybe question your definition of gambling.
I simply do not play games with my sats. And I have this rule from long time ago, from 2014 when I was about to lose some but in the last moment I retracted. And I did well. From that day I promise myself I will never ever put my sats in a game. And here am I, with all my sats intact.