As a routing node operator ( in the #LightningNetwork, I wonder which implementations are responsible for the transactions, how routing decisions are made, how pathfinding works.
For example, I suspect that WalletOfSatoshi uses some centralized solution: larger chunks of fresh inbound liquidity from their node (for example, because my node routed a large transaction TO their node) are quickly drained (most likely used for transactions originating from their node).
How do other larger nodes find routes? Do you know what BitFinex or Binance do to route users' withdrawals? What about other services/wallets? How do merchants cash out / pay their bills? How are transactions from/to LOOP or FixedFloat users routed?
I could look up the routing code details in LND and CLN, but my gut feeling is that there's more going on. Please provide insights, if you have any!
Has anyone used sats4stats, and is anyone aggregating anonymized traffic data to show where demand might be filled on the network? > Start > Sats4sats
Note: I have not used this as a buyer or seller (yet)
I’m also curious if anyone is actively targeting zero-base-fee paths (yet).
I am, for my own rebalances. I use the top-up feature in lnd-manageJ, which uses #PickhardtPayments internally. Channels that charge a base fee are supported, but the cost is approximated. Because of that, ZBF channels have a competitive edge.