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For all you Sabres who still boo Jack for leaving buffalo give it up. The franchise completely mismanaged his career. He goes to Vegas wins a cup and having a great career now.
Meanwhile the Sabres are still in no man’s land. The players the team received in the trade (Tuch and Krebs) are decent NHL players. Management and ownership still don’t have a clue. It’s been ten years since the tank and this team still can’t sniff the playoffs. Last year was really exciting hockey and now they are so boring.
In the end let Jack be. Glad he got the surgery he wanted on his neck and having success in Vegas!
I'm a big fan of holding grudges for decades. I still hate Lanny McDonald. Pajama Boy Tavares too.
He has the reverse grudge going though which is why I consulted with you. Unless of course he is holding a grudge about not holding a grudge. 4D chess.
Or is it holding a grudge about holding a grudge. Or holding a grudge about holding a grudge instead of not holding a grudge. My brain hurts.
I should have said I'm the wrong guy to ask because I am a strong believer in irrational and unfair grudges.
Fair enough. Seems like you are on the side of the Sabres fans.
Thank you for bringing the vitriol to Stacker Sports. This is awesome.
Let's confer with @siggy47. How did he do?