I really like the idea of giving people their first node where the complexity is handled for them but that they still have the freedom to migrate to their own node, I think greenlight can be the training wheels for a lot of new LN node operators in the future
I think green wallets lightning is the best option for brand ive seen...basically WoS - esque. I dont see a way to do more advamced finctions like opening your own channels, am i missing something or not the intent for people to do more than interact with the LSP ?
In the current version I don't think you have access to channel management, all that is done on the fly based on your first funding transaction and your capacity, rebalancing is the same, you just burn your capacity and then pay the rebalancing fee on the fly as you receive or send funds
I think if you want to have more access you'd need to spin up your own greenlight node with them first, but as far as I can see Green wallet doesn't have an option to connect your own greenlight node