Haven't gone back to my hometown for a while. It's always exciting to go back and see old friends and family. This time l, however, I am extra excited because I'll try to talk to as many people about bitcoin... so wish me good luck my plebs... 🙌
Come back with the stories... SN loves these stories.
good luck and have fun 🙌🏼
I was just in Quito a few weeks ago. the people I met largely didn't know what it was, and there was no place that would have let me pay. I saw more Bitcoin signs in Colombia than in Ecuador, more people knew about it, and there were meetups and bitcoin exchange offices and ATMs there. But the question "puedo pagar con bitcoin?" at least raises a conversation! (and if you encounter a place, let me know. I'll return next year!)
Orange pilling is an indirect thing. For example, live well, people ask questions, oh hes a bitcoiner, maybe i should check it out?
Convert as much as possible