AMAZING. Best little video I've watched in a long time. Really impressive work.
  • Do the batteries keep the miners running overnight or do they have to wait until the sun comes up again?
One more thing, I'm worried about your feet with all those little stones, screws and wires around; you're a long way from anywhere so stay super safe!!!
The batteries are there as a buffer for cloud cover and they allow me to run the miners a bit longer first thing In the morning. But they do not run over night. That would take a lot more batteries and solar. I love walking barefoot in the desert. Thanks for watching. 🤙
I thought that might be the case. I haven't used an ASIC before so I don't know how much power they consume. Are you turning a profit yet?
I am a long term holder. I mine so that I may acquire sats without going to an exchange. My mining rewards are for saving for the future. I do other things to make USD for getting my needs met. It will take quite some time before I will gain back what I invested. It is a long term play.
You will be rewarded I'm sure. Love the direct approach to mining yourself. Wish I had more sun where I am, I watched a video about a guy who turned an old mill into a modern-day power source by using the river; too cold and damp for me though.
Good luck to you man!