I bet that most carnivores don't actually care about the diet. You're just contrarians and want to be provocative. If vegans stopped being enraged by your provocations then you'd be bored out of carnivore stuff too.
Anyway, do whatever you want. I will continue to enjoy life and eat both meat and plants. Have fun with it tho.
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Are bitcoiners just contrarians/provocateurs, and would get bored if fiat died?
Are Stacker News users just contrarians/provocateurs, and would get bored if Reddit died?
Of course not. Being passionate and dedicated to clearly superior options is a feature, not a bug, of communities.
Personally, I feel the best I've ever felt in my life after 3 months on the carnivore diet. Focus has improved, sleep has improved, and asthma has gone away.
Have you ever considered giving it a try to see how it affects you? I'd be more than happy to help answer questions if you ever become curious about it :)