Please do!
Initial focus from my side will be on indexing all the current content on the site. Then I’ll be happy to dig deeper into topics and take a bunch with me on the learning journey. I’m by no means a source of authority, so will do all I can to encourage people to post and not overcrowd this sub. Tools are constantly being added.
Emails are a huge area, glad to hear you are keen to focus there. Not just with the service, but client, domain, encrypted message content and also burner emails themselves. I know very few use burner accounts.
I can’t wait to see what Will at Damus is working on. He said he was looking into email for Nostr.
Emails are important, not just with the service, but client and also burner emails, plus password management for all manner of uses. I know very few use burner accounts.
yes - mails, PW manager, USB encryption, TailsOS, many fun to explore; I haven't tipped my toe into Linux yet, I hope can see more hands-on guides!
Have explained to family that secure email is like the tree trunk. Providing a nice solid structure. Up to you how far down to take the roots thereafter.
Same for Mobile OS.
TailsOS and Qubes I have yet to tackle but I’ll be keen to do also next year. Converted old Apple hardware into Ubuntu Linux last year. Will no doubt write that up in time. So much to capture!