I didn't realise AMD were doing chips that early on, I thought it was all intel. I do remember not having a soundcard in my pc (IBM/PS2) that was so frustrating.
They produced them under licence from Intel. But had better versions. They were actually very good, later with K5, K6, Athlon, when they started doing their own thing, their CPUs stopped being so reliable (but had good price / performance).
Nowadays I actually prefer Intel over AMD. Ahh, and heat. Even some Pentium III, when it overheated, it just downclocked itself to some 100 MHz and continued to work. In comparison - I have burned two Athlon XP CPUs in my life, just because of failing heatsink, they don't automatically downclock, they just overheat and die forever.
I also had PC Speaker initially (the real one, not those small beepers they have on motherboards now), but managed to connect even bigger speaker to it. Tried to build my own Covox DAC for LPT port, but something didn't work there. Later managed to get my hands on some ISA SoundBlaster Pro card.