What are some good resources to send to an Indian online merchant, who currently does use Bitcoin, but is unfamiliar with Lightening?
Quote: "We accept bitcoin as crypto coin in BTC network. We request you to please let us know what "bitcoin on lightening" means."
My guy, this is a good post for the bitcoin sub!
Well anyway, you just tell them its a second layer payment network that's lightning fast and typically has less fees, but it is still Bitcoin and not some random other "crypto coin"
Then you can show them the different lightning network wallets.
In general, I like this site for showing people lightning for the first time: https://lightsats.com/
indeed, why he posted in meta? I almost missed this post.
Oops, sorry about that. Didn't think. Doesn't look like I can switch to the bitcoin sub now.
That resource you sent seems like it might have a lot of unfamiliar concepts to people very new to this.
Something more accessible, I think, would be - websites from other online sellers that allow you to pay for things via Lightening. Just to whet their appetite, and show that it can be done.
Does anyone have any good ones?
In case anyone is interested - this is the site: https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com. You can see why they'd have problems with credit cards.
That resource you sent seems like it might have a lot of unfamiliar concepts to people new to this.
Yes lol. Its FOR people who have never touched Bitcoin in their lives. Its user tested too. I even personally tested it on my girlfriend who does not care at all about Bitcoin except to humor me lol. That was before I taught her what a bolt 11 invoice was too.
Anyway, I don't know what to recommend for a business in India as far as automatic Bitcoin to Rupee conversion. I mean I know platforms that work in the US, but I don't know if they do business in India. There's always BTCPay server tho.
I will add to that guide, this quick one I did fror Car few weeks ago #313137