Trying to get a local lightning node setup on testnet. I don't see LN and testnet talked about often, anyone know why?
Because there is no NGU
More serious answer: It's probably because it's strictly a developer thing. And developer don't need to talk about such things. They just use it. Or talk a lot less about it than about the Lightning Network on mainnet where anyone, dev or not dev, seems to have an opinion on. Including shitcoiners etc. You get the idea.
Also, consider that writing tests may still not be something some devs get the complete value proposition of, lol
I hear a lot about testnet on the main chain though. I see guides about it, hardware wallets support it, etc. I'm not a traditional "developer" but IMO it's still nice to be able to setup a testnet node and mess around with it first before you dump more real Bitcoin into it.
My end game is to get a LN setup like @DarthCoin talks about in his private LN post, but I'm hesitate to put 3m sats in a hot wallet. If I could test it all with 3m testnet sats I'd feel more comfortable.
If I could test it all with 3m testnet sats I'd feel more comfortable.
You can, I recommend mutinynet