Mine is Ken Arrow. He has the highest rate of blowing my mind.
Fun fact: I think we can probably call Satoshi Nakanoto an economist, or at least that history will recognize his contributions to economics. He had a whole page in an economic history book I was reading recently, written by a mainstream academic economist
I respect Tyler Cowen's writing, thinking and process a lot: https://marginalrevolution.com
Ken Arrow is awesome. The Impossibility Theorem is what convinced me to go into an econ PhD program. He's definitely on my list, but probably not at the top.
It might be a boring answer, but my favorite economist is Mises. The socialist calculation problem was such a brilliant insight and Human Action is the most extraordinary econ treatise.
Of living economists, Bob Murphy is my favorite. He covers such a wide range of topics that I'm interested in.
Amongst living mainstream economists, I'm a big fan of Emily Oster's work on family economics.
Saifedean Ammous
Economist and shit-talker extraordinaire
Peter Schiff
I hate to admit that ole Schiff was one of the people that helped me break free of my socialism beliefs back when I was a liberal
Living: Bob Murphy
John Harsanyi, Dan McFadden and Saif.
Game theory is what made me decide to pursue a PhD in Econ, so I have to give a nod to John Nash. Since I don't really consider him an economist, I will choose Gerard Debreu. Theory of Value is my favorite econ book of all time.
Favorite living is is John Cochrane