It's a shame you can't see the data from before 2017. has data going back further on Dune
This chart was more what I was looking for. Mempool data is great--but what's in the mempool is not necessarily what ends up being the makeup of what's processed in the blocks. The level of high fee transactions really makes a difference.
Something is up! The 2018 peak in the dume graph is over 500, but the memepool graph only shows 300.
it's because of the amount of high fee transactions in the mempool. Currently, there is a thinner layer of high fee txns in the pool, so the average ends up getting pulled lower. At the end of 2017, there was an attack where they were flooding the mempool with extremely high fee transactions so every block was fully saturated with the highest fees. This is why the mempool chart is awesome but harder to read about what ultimately happened on chain. The mempool chart is a snapshot of unprocessed transactions whereas the Dune chart is what is actually in the blockchain.