Before launching user generated sub

i was hopping to create a sub where i set a list of all Lightning /bitcoin company, services, apps, wallets and let users rank them by zaps (and that will fit perfectly with sn algo) and use the comments as reviews ,every post will contain the company name as title and content is a description about that company.

Now after sn territories are officially out this will be very intersting to implement
For now im unable to do this because the lack of customization of subs; but i believe in the future updates that can be possible,
so as far as i think this is what is needed for this sub to work:

customized parameters:

  • setting the top algo feed as the default main feed (for ranking)
  • only a list of few members to post (sub admins)
  • comments are allowed by any user as kind of reviews
[optional] -ability to set multipe sub admins -ability to edit posts for a long period (every Lightning app need a time to make a detailed post about it ,including links...)
Also this sub in the future can be extended with the sub subs update to make a ranking for more stuff other Lightning/bitcoin services

At the end

when i contacted @k00b about this he said that his not planning to support thos changes in the near future but if sn users likes it im sure he will make a priority for it, so if you liked the idea or did not like please give me your honest opinion about it and any change you think is necessary to it (details are diserable)
This post is a proof of ownership of the ranking sub idea
isn't zaprank enough?
Zaprank but with time set forever
with this ranking proposal you incentive spammers and influencers... btw, I do not choose a sub/app because of the ranking. I have my own criteria.
Rankings are shitcoins for me. Meaningless. Voting them with sats doesn't change the fact that cannot be manipulated. And noobs or new people will think that should follow ranked subs... wrong. You are just manipulate them.
I could play around zapping random subs just to fuck around with your rankings... is that you want? if I can do it, others can do it too, so all your ranking is fucked