This territories update will be the cause of this growth.
I bet stackerNews will be as huge as Reddit but better
Territories is what I’ve been waiting for. Reddit is dead.
Next step, add Twitter's features
I feel like this format works better than twitter/x--having nuanced and nested conversations in twitter just doesn't work. I'm happy to let that format die out.
What features in twitter do you think would be good to have?
The one that jumps out to me is something like follows. Hacking it together via notifications is just barely viable for me with the number of people I 'follow.'
But this will probably force a number of key decision points about how the feed algorithm is to be realized. It's a foundational question.
Maybe lists is a good feature... I do really like community notes on X, but I think the nested comment system that raises voices that get higher zaps is an equivalently useful way to call out BS.
We should take the best practice, the worst should stay underground
The number of new items posted on SN already looks like a hash-rate chart 😅
Particularly comments. So much more dialogue happening here now.
The interesting thing is we now have the means to attract non-bitcoiners who have zero knowledge and give zero fucks about bitcoin. Seeing those people’s journeys and personalities evolve is going to be a sight to see. Nowhere else has that really been possible until now. I also wouldn’t underestimate the effect of that. 3x is probably too low. 3x would be just bitcoiner growth.
This can be the onboarding layer to Bitcoin and Nostr that we’ve needed. Yes it may get noisy, we may need to wade through the fog in the saloon some days, and get all nostalgic… but we finally have an easy-to-use link to send family & friends over the holidays. Safe in the knowledge they will be getting the best bitcoin education and stacking like no tomorrow (even if they think they are power-ranger points).
Yah, its as if we have all been itching to talk about something other than better money.
This makes my palms sweaty lol
And maybe I should enforce a no delete rule without any tools to enforce it (/cc @k00b)
Maybe all this OTS stuff from @petertodd stuff might come in handy for predictions
But thanks for the first post from someone else on here :) This is getting very interesting fast!
Congrats on your new shiny crystal ball 🔮
Perhaps the team will be one of those metrics, by necessity.
142 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6 Dec 2023
3x team size in 6 months doesn't seem like a good idea
that would mean we're 9 in 6 months
i think if we add a single engineer in 6 months would already be good, lol
Perhaps not then haha. I’m too unfamiliar with what exactly just one talented engineer can bring to the table so I can’t really say.
The original group becoming the minority by that margin in that time does sound far fetched and a little scary.
When will I sleep though?
immortals know no sleep
I'm mortal though
perhaps applying rate limit to growth where possible might carve out more sleep time
few 🤘⚡️
I agree, but I'll raise you to 4x!
So. Freaking. Excited.