Ever found yourself deleting a sentence on SN and seeing a massive paragraph go down the pan because you held your mobile's backspace button too long?
It's happened to me loads of times...
Well, I think I've found a neat way to stop the backspace from munching your work in it's tracks - and it's simple.
When you see it happening, just click outside of the text box - the ongoing deletion seems to stop immediately!
I discovered this hack by accident whilst deleting part of a sentence at the end of a paragraph. As I thought the deletion had finished, I had clicked higher up as I'd wanted to add a sentence near the top - but instead watched a higher paragraph get deleted as well.
Well, my inquisitive mind saw this and thought that if the deletion carries on when the cursor is moved, maybe it'll stop when I click outside the box.
Yup, it's a bit of a hack. I'd rather it wasn't around and had got fixed by the Android/Apple/SN elves... but, in the meantime, here's a hack that you can use if you experience a post eating crisis.
you held your mobile's backspace button too long?
Stop using the mobile for posting on SN. The mobile is only for: bitcoin LN payments, and answer your mother's calls. That's all.
Chronic Inflammation of the hands (and the rest of my body) upon use bro.
Tiz the only reason I moved away from my beloved Linux...
Android came to my rescue and got me online again.