Sorry, saw KRS and thought Kansas not Kentucky.
Kentucky is a Race/Notice state.
Dating the deed does not matter. Let's say you buy a property and put the deed in a drawer, then the old owner decides to issue a new deed to someone else at a later date.
Assume that the later buyer does not know about the existence of the earlier deed and buys the property for fair value. Then the later buyer records it.
The earlier deed is not able to overcome the later deed. It could be days, weeks, or years later. Though a longer timeframe does potentially make it harder to do the above, it is not impossible. The earlier buyer would be able to sue the seller, but the later buyer will have the land.
This though:
prevents property taxes being applied
I'm going to go with that being a great way to have your property seized by the local taxing authority. Property taxes apply to the land itself, and while keeping your name out of the rolls is pretty easy, that does not relieve the responsibility to actually pay the tax. Would need to see some extremely convincing precedent to accept your contention here.
Then record it with the names blacked out.