It is 100% legal to operate without those
Officers are trained otherwise and courts will enforce otherwise until you properly rebut it using their own statutes & case law in court motions/affidavits. It helps to look at the powers/duties of the officers/organization to see that they are COMMERCIAL officers, among other things.
They don't like losing their revenue.
Also this guy is a jackass and is wrong about many things.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I believe the same legal approach applies (almost) globally.
Did you find a solution for this specific problem or just got license, reg and plate to drive hassle-free and keep your lawyer fees low?
Hassle free unless given a ticket. Lawyers are useless and retarded most of the time.
So what happens when you get the ticket? You just pay it or trash it? ... or what's the alternative?
This is some good education on that specifically. He goes overboard here for education purposes, but it gives you an idea of what you can do and what real comprehension means with regards to the law.
Trevor is right.
you would end up paying more to lawyers rather than the licence itsefl...
You don't need a lawyer, friend. This stuff ain't hard, but pick your battles. Lower courts are a joke and you'll have to appeal to a REAL court many times. They also like to throw false judgments at you.
Listen to Rule Of Law radio to get an idea.