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We have a winner!
Congrats to @tnuts420 for winning the 2023 Stacker News (sports) NFL Survivor Pool. Incredible job by tnuts and @nifty to get all the way to week 13 and even though he suffered defeat last night with the Jags falling to the Bengals, nifty needs some recognition here as well, being the only person to not use the rebuy. Even though there is no second prize, I have decided to zap him 10k sats to cover his original buy in for making it all the way to week 13 on his first life.
As for our champ. He wins 310k sats, minus whatever the tax man (k00b) takes, and even more importantly bragging rights until next August when we start this crazy ride up again.
Alright now that it is over, I am going on vacation. See you guys next season, or tomorrow, whichever comes first.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
Congrats @tnuts420!
In the NBA Survivor Pool, we lost @gnilma last night. The Kings cost him his final life, as well as giving @elnosh and @BTC_Bellzer their first strikes. If NY loses tonight, I will be the only one left with zero strikes against me. On the other hand, if NY wins, then I'll only have the Pelicans available to choose anyway.
I saw the Pacers win and couldn't recall if that was good, bad or indifferent for you.
Thanks for playing gnilma
Thanks for hosting the pool @Undisciplined and thanks for all the game analysis @grayruby. It was definitely fun and made me much more interested / invested into the in season tournament games. Good luck to the remaining contestants. May the best picker win!
I'm glad it worked out so well. I'll probably try to do something similar for the playoffs.
Please do. I will have my revenge and redemption in the playoff pool.
It definitely wasn't bad, but it also might not have mattered. If Indiana is an easier opponent for Milwaukee, then I guess it's good.
I am hoping to thread the needle here. I want a knicks loss, then a pelicans win in the semis and a bucks win in the semis and finals to take me to victory.
It's my only path unless I want to use the bucks next round (if they win tonight) and hope pelicans beat the Lakers but I am with you. Lebron wants this title.
We seem to have the same path forward, except that I don't need the Pelicans to win. What's unfortunate for us is that everyone else still has the Lakers available to pick.
How did you do on your bets this past week? I had a good week. Was about even going into last night and picked up 3500 sats off a 500 sats bet on the Bengals win.
appreciate it!
I should have given @siggy47 a shout out in this post for the idea for the pool, and the help putting it together. My bad. Thanks Siggy!
You did all the work. I must say, @nifty's achievement is truly astounding, as was @tnuts420. I know this from having experience in other survivor pools. Therefore, I hope nifty replies to this post so I can zap the shit out of it.
15.4k sats \ 1 reply \ @nifty 5 Dec 2023
Thanks @siggy47! It was my first time doing a survivor pool. I went a lot further than I thought I would! :)
Fantastic job!
Absolutely. When we were discussing this in August, I definitely didn't think it was going to run until the first week of Dec. I figured we were good until about week 7.
btw the bitcoin co. issue in Canada was relating to one of their gift card partners doing an update that caused some sort of glitch. It was fixed the day after we were discussing it.
It's been fun. I bid you adieu.
I think the account name is a keeper.
Congrats to @tnuts420! And thanks @grayruby for organizing it! It was a helluva run and a lot of fun!
thanks man, hell of a run indeed!
I thought you guys might go all the way to week 18. Hell of a run.
thanks again for running it too! or you know, whoever happens run that mysterious nfl pool account
Congrats!!! Was fun!!
Congratulations!! Very impressed by both!
What a thrill, congratulations to my NFC Nemesis @tnuts420 and thank you @grayruby for organising this. I'm very much looking forward to the next time.
thanks buddy, go lions!