I live in California, the land of the bad policies... sigh
Anyway, when it comes to minimum wage, I just tell them it's like a small bandage when you need to stitch up the actual wound. If all you use are bandages without treating the wound, the patient will die. And then I tell them the wound is why there is so little economic opportunity. Then I tell them how burdensome regulation makes it hard for people to get a small business off the ground, about how the big corps and well-connected people are tapped into an endless source of money...... and we're on our way to Bitcoinlandia 🚀🚀🚀
I don't really bother with arguing that minimum wage doesn't even help..... to me it is a lesser point, not worth arguing about, than talking about the underlying ills of the economy
I wasn't really trying to argue with her, the opposite actually. I wanted her to know I wasn't just being a jerk by not signing her petition, but that I knew that issue well and disagreed.
However, I think minimum wage is one of the clearest "seen vs unseen" examples, so it's well worth arguing about, imo.
transparent california search for police, firefighter, nurse, ultrasound etc... it's so depressing how quickly they incinerate our tax dollars :'(