I just got told that the Paulaner Brewery is planning to introduce the Bavarian drink "Spezi" or "Sunset" in America, specifically in California. Spezi or Sunset is essentially a blend of cola and orange lemonade that has been refined over time for better taste. In Bavaria, it seems that even the smallest breweries now have their own version of Spezi in their lineup, with flavors leaning more towards cola or orange soda, depending on the brewery.
This is a non-alcoholic, carbonated beverage, not beer. However, alongside beer, it has become a Bavarian cultural icon, in my opinion. Therefore, I recommend everyone give it a try if you get the chance.
It seems that in California, it will be launched under the name Sunset, not Spezi as we know it. By the way, the Coca-Cola company also has its own brand in Germany called Mezzo Mix, but it doesn't taste very good. In Germany, there has been a longstanding legal dispute over the rights to the word "Spezi." One brewery receives a high commission for the name's use, while large breweries like Paulaner (gives a shit) oppose it. Others simply call it Cola-Mix to not have legal problems.
It is hard to fathom anyone drinking that of their own free will. But if I ever see it, I'll try it, just because you posted about it here.
there are some.. im into homebrewing.. Actually im trying to find a good name for a batch.. Maybe Barcelona Bitcoin Beer... Its part of my plan to get non/kyc sats..
May be BitBarcaBeerCoin was a good name. What do you thingh?
Bit-BarçaBeer-Coin - ill put that on the brainstorm list :)
Super cool! Let me know when is ready. Will send clients.
Bicoin beer for bitcoiners, for sats. Excellent idea!
Oh, i will let you guys know for sure. For you ill make sure to send a case in a drop off location of your choice.
The funny thing is, beer is even taxed less than Spezi in Bavaria. It is considered a staple food (like bread) item with a 7% value-added tax :D
By the way, for anyone looking to get an approximate taste of Spezi, you should mix cola and orange soda
Es ist und bleibt eine schwere Sünde, Bier, das Getränk der Götter (Al Bundy) mit Zuckerbräu zu verderben!
Es ist hier keinesfalls die Rede davon das Reinheitsgebot von 1516 zu brechen!
Franz-Josef stehe davor!
Amen, Reinheitsgebot jungs... Reinheitsgebot !!! :-)
Amen! Und Prost, Leute. Bin gerade mit meiner Spanierin in der alten Heimat (MG). Wir nehmen Bolten Ur-Alt und Paulaner zu Flamenco.... Saludos
Gönnt euch!
Ohhhh ja. Servus