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A fellow distinguished plebeian recommended I share this document with you all in case it might assist your efforts to Orange Pill your company.
For some context I have been working for a few years at a small consultancy during which time I have regularly unsuccessfully encouraged leadership to consider holding Bitcoin on our balance sheet. I realized that my verbal efforts weren't moving the needle so I had another idea.
As part of our regular work, we create detailed proposals to describe our projects to prospective or current customers. This helps them understand the complex nature of the work we do.
So, I figured using our own template and verbiage could help in making the concept of acquiring Bitcoin less abstract and intimidating for our own leadership team.
I presented this proposal to our CFO in-person after a particularly good few months of revenue. I asked him to read the whole thing first and then we could discuss over dinner if he would like. He was very interested.
The CFO has pitched the plan to the CEO and the two are now discussing in-person this week at their yearly financial review.
Not to count sats before they hatch but 🤞 it looks like we're going to pull the trigger.
Feel free to take a look and use it in your Orange Pilling efforts!