I like the view that the true destiny for A.I. is to serve each of us individually. To help realise our potential, through our own lens. Not to control and certainly not to have one instance shepherding millions of us.
There will be disruption and innovation, but it won’t be world ending. If it gets out of hand, it’s because governments want it to. If there are job losses, it’s because governments want there to be unemployment. A symptom of their ridiculous monetary policies, and artificial boom and bust cycles, not due to automation.
There will be misallocation of capital but people won’t lose their jobs because of A.I itself. Although that’s most likely what we’ll hear. As you correctly alluded to, automation reduces costs to allow you to employ MORE people, not less. All in all it’s just a technology. One blunt as a spoon. Therefore it’s not taking over the world. And neither are aliens.