Imagine still using Bitcoin Talk forum in 2024.
At least they allow coinjoin talk.
@TonyGiorgio to you twitch when people use the terms mixing and coinjoin interchangeably? I know I do.
Frankly this sounds like a cowardly decision, made without any serious risk of legal action against them.
Bitcoin isn't going to make it if people aren't willing to take risks.
That's weird. Disappointing too!
The electrum community still use bitcoin talk. I guess its time they move to SN or nostr.
You do not need to go edit/delete your past posts. Links will be automatically wordfiltered-out as of Jan 1, or in a few cases mods will archive or delete posts, but you will not be banned for old mixer-related posts.
So... how 'bout those bitcoin mixers? Pretty awesome amirite?
Bitcoin talk is an anti-privacy shithole. You cannot delete your account and Maxwell is too much of an asshole to assist on deleting data for privacy.
Fuck Bitcoin talk and Greg. Hope that bullshit gets hacked into the ground some day.