We made it, Stackerz. Friday. I'm about to do my whirlwind getting ready for work. I don't expect a great work day, but I expect a great day non-the-less! And I expect a weekend! Miami's Bitcoin Grove has been bustling with activity lately! We now have an in-house event EVERY week. In addition to Bitcoin Brunch which I've hosted over 125 times, that means Miami now has TWO Bitcoin ONLY meetups happening every week, one a general hangout and the other either a design group, or a source code review group. It's amazing and I expect powerful things to come out of the seeds we plant with these efforts today. On December 10th I will also inaugurate, along with my friend @Proof_of_Work_Fitness, our first Bitcoin for Beginners class, so we can start to hand out orange pills to confused crytpocuriouus and precoiners. Miami will be a bitcoin city!
Looking forward to it!
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