Geothermal is basically infinite. With a simple steam mechanism you can harvest free energy near volcanos with zero risk.. its super cheap and clean.. You just need a vulcano. Obviously due to our human nature we can’t provide free energy or give it to places where theres no vulcanos.. nuclear is fine, but super costly and risky
You don't need a volcano, necessarily, pretty much anywhere with hot springs will do.
Sounds even better then
I don't really understand why geothermal hasn't gotten more adoption. Maybe if there weren't so many subsidies going towards oil, wind, ans solar, we'd see more geothermal.
the masters cant allow you to have free/cheap energy..
How I understand the new generation of n plants solves these problems.
Have to look into that.. Yet, after fukushima one wonders.. but i guess theres safer places
For sure...