LOL, funny you ask about orange pilling. I'm still trying every chance I get.
I did plan mine out in advance but got impatient and left without having something lined up. The only recommendation I would make is try to line up something solid ahead of time. Like offer in hand solid. Good on you though for planning the jump. If enough of us do it just might make a difference. And it will hopefully be better for us all in the end.
I tried orange pilling some colleagues last year. Gave them a couple of articles to read but to no avail. Most people just don't care about sound money I guess. Or maybe because I live in a country where inflation is still relatively low and under control, unlike places like Argentina or Venezuela.
Agreed. I wish you all the success in finding a good job!
I've had same luck orange pilling. My wife and mom are getting it so I'm just over 0% success rate. But they are my wife and mom...
Thanks @BitSapien!