Bitcoin ETFs: Why Buying Bitcoin Directly is Better for Miami's Black Community

By Mars Neter

Exploring the downsides of a Bitcoin ETF and the advantages of investing in Bitcoin itself

Bitcoin, the digital currency stirring interest worldwide, has a potential new arrival on the investment scene - the Bitcoin ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund). However, before jumping in, it's of obvious concern that people should consider the drawbacks this might bring, compared to the benefits of buying and holding the original asset - Bitcoin.
An ETF is essentially like a wrapper around Bitcoin, allowing people to invest indirectly without owning the actual thing. While this might seem convenient, it also introduces risks. For one, an ETF is subject to additional fees and management costs, eating into potential gains. Moreover, it might not track Bitcoin's value accurately due to market fluctuations and fees associated with running the ETF.
Why does this matter to the Black community? Investing directly in Bitcoin means having ownership and control over your assets. It's like holding digital cash in your own wallet. You're not reliant on third parties or subject to potential distortions caused by ETF management. The decentralization feature of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin, being decentralized, offers a sense of empowerment and financial independence. When you buy Bitcoin directly, you own it outright, free from the risks and complexities introduced by an ETF.
Additionally, a Bitcoin ETF might also face regulatory hurdles or restrictions that could impact accessibility or result in limited opportunities for growth. By investing directly in Bitcoin, you bypass these potential barriers and benefit from the potential long-term value of Bitcoin itself.
Also, investing directly in Bitcoin encourages education and understanding of the Bitcoin Network and overall crypto landscape. It empowers the community and individual to delve into financial literacy, gain insights into digital currencies like CBDCS, and then make informed decisions.
Overall, while the concept of a Bitcoin ETF might sound appealing to those in fear of uncertainty, investing directly in Bitcoin offers greater control, transparency, and potential for long-term growth of the Black community. Although a Bitcoin ETF might offer simplicity, it's of my belief that this ETF only hinders the journey towards financial empowerment.


Miami Based Organization focused on educating the Black Community on everything Bitcoin. We host Meetups and educational workshops.
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This is great!
Cool, thanks for sharing! Representing a group underserved by the existing banking system, this is an awesome opportunity!
Why does being black matter in this scenario?...
Do you think people identifying as black should be ignored in attempts to spread understanding of bitcoin?
Because that's who we build for.
That's overtly racist. Bitcoin is for everyone.
Bitcoin is for everyone. Agreed.
Arguing about race is not nearly as powerful an act as teaching people about bitcoin. You don't think we should teach the black community about bitcoin? Or you want to deny the agency of people who identity as the black community? Gather more information before drawing self-satisfied conclusions.