We are merely surfers on a giant spinning rock amongst billions of other giant spinning rocks and exploding balls of hot gas in an endless universe. Try not to let the tribulations of being human beat you down.
I understand darkness. I have walked through it myself. Although our journeys may not be the same and our darkness may not be the same here is some advice I can offer.
  1. Don't lose a sense of wonder- go out in nature look around.
  2. Every day do something positive for yourself- take a walk, do a workout, read a book, listen to a podcast, find something that makes you laugh, meditate, journal, play music. (Everyone needs an outlet)
  3. Stay away from Alcohol, drugs, gambling, excessive social media exposure.
  4. Spend time with positive, productive people.
  5. Keep busy. Tire yourself out so you sleep well at night.
  6. One foot in front of the other. Win each day. I haven't had a drink in over 9 years after many years of drinking far too much and being miserable about it. To get to day 3,375 I had to get through day 1, then 2, so on and so on. Good habits compound.
  7. Sometimes you just need to seek professional help. Don't be ashamed if you do.
Hope this helps in some way.