The median yearly income for Americans is approximately $50,000. You know you’ve printed too much money when the median house appreciated more than the median income. That means you made more money sitting in your Lulu jammies than going to work, assuming you own a home. Woe is the plebe that rents — NGMI.
The average person cares deeply about the prices of fuel and food. Even though every central bank tries to hoodwink the populace into believing that fuel and food prices are not important yardsticks of inflation, we all take notice when these prices rise. Failure to tame this type of inflation has historically led to revolutions.
In a war-time economy, the central bank loses its independence and merges with the Treasury. It happened in the aftermath of WW2, and it will happen again now. The Fed will press The Button, and instantly start buying all of the debt the Treasury issues at a politically expedient rate of interest. Hello, Yield Curve Control (YCC).
YCC = $1 million Bitcoin
YCC = 20,000 Gold
Right now, many traders are sitting on positions that are down 50% to 90%. These traders are in a loss reduction mindset. They want to exit at a less bad price. They are not mentally primed to ship more capital in at these “bargain” prices. Therefore, any rally will be sold into, until the underbrush in the forest is clear and the diamond-handed apes can emerge safely from hibernation.