Hey everyone, by way of introduction my name is Andy and I recently created a new lightning explorer available here:
I believe wholeheartedly in everything about Bitcoin and Lightning, and I’d love to meet everyone in this community and also hear if there is anything I can help with on Lightning network data.
If you are willing to take a look at my explorer, I would love to hear any feedback. If you run a node, are you able to find it? Do your channel partners and active capacity look correct? Does this data make sense? (The network data is synced every 20 minutes)
I know your time is worth more than a few sats, but I’d be more than happy to complete any lightning invoices in exchange for your thoughts (and it’s always fun to send sats).
In short, I’d love to hear about what would be helpful for you and what challenges do you currently face?
For example, would it be helpful for:
- Notifications when a channel partner changes fees?
- Notifications when a new node in the El Salvador region comes online?
- Monthly reports on network capacity, nodes, and channels?
- Tools or analytics for finding channel partners?
- Searching for channel partners and minimum channel requirements?
- (Programmatic) Access to historical network, node, or channel data?
Thank you for any input or feedback you are willing to offer!